Undergraduate Teaching

Additional course costs

Additional course costs

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Compulsory costs

Costs involved in taking the undergraduate Engineering courses (in addition to University and College fees), as at August 2015, are as follows:

Essential equipment

A full set of the essential equipment can be purchased at the Part IA registration for  £42.26 in cash, cheque, debit or credit card.


Databooks can be purchased for £10 as a complete set in a Shell UK ringbinder, usually at Part IA registration. Databooks are needed for all four years. Replacements cost £2 per booklet. and can be obtained from the Teaching Office.

NB. After registration day drawing equipment, databooks and calculators should be paid for and collected from the IT Helpdesk in the DPO.

Drawing equipment

A set of drawing equipment can be purchased for £15.70, usually at Part IA registration.  Items are individually priced as follows:

  • 2H pencil and plastic eraser (50p)
  • acrylic ruler (£2.60)
  • pair of large spring bow compasses (£8.10)
  • radius aid (£2.00)
  • geo-liner (combined set square and protractor) (£1.00)
  • erasing shield (£1.50)


A suitable calculator (Casio fx-991ES) can be purchased for £16.56 . Note that you must have a calculator that conforms to the regulations for use in exams

Non-compulsory costs

Surveying trip to Scotland

Students taking this Part IIB module option between years 3 and 4 are required to pay £154 towards the two weeks' accommodation.

Language Unit trips

The cost of these optional trips for those taking language courses (which are often open to students in all years) is c. £200.

Photocopying and printing

Students are required to pay for photocopying and printing if they exceed their quota, which is designed to accommodate the majority of the requirements of the course.

Constructionarium Part IIA project

Students taking the Constructionarium are required to buy safety boots costing about £20 and contribute up to £250 towards the cost of the course.

It is hoped that this contribution will be reduced to about £100 once the sponsorship of the course is confirmed.

Last updated on 05/08/2015 16:13