Undergraduate Teaching

Progression requirements

Progression requirements

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An honours result (at class I, II.1, II.2 or III) in the exam at the end of Part IIA qualifies a student for the BA (Hons) degree. To qualify for the MEng degree, a student must be successful in the Part IIB exam at either pass, merit or distinction standard.

Standard for entry to Part IB

In order to be of standing to take Part IB Engineering, students will be required to have obtained honours in Part IA of the course.

Incomers to Part IIA

A student who wishes to be considered for transfer to Part IIA Engineering will normally be expected to have achieved a II.1 or better in his or her last honours examination.  The Faculty Board has agreed that the Director of Undergraduate Education must endorse all requests for transfers into the Engineering Tripos before it will consider the applications.

Standard for entry to Part IIB

The Faculty Board’s regulations state that students must normally achieve at least a II.2 in either Part IB or Part IIA (and achieve Honours in Part IIA) in order to be of standing to take Part IIB of either the Engineering or the Manufacturing Engineering Triposes.

In order to be of standing to take Part IIB Engineering, students must have taken Part IIA Engineering.

Students are warned that proceeding to the BA degree after completing Part IIA of either the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes would preclude them from continuing with either Tripos and from being awarded the M.Eng. degree.  

Any student who does not plan to stay for Part IIB is asked to let the Teaching Office know.

Last updated on 21/09/2015 16:20