IIA briefing notes - Easter term supplement

Table of contents
- On-line timetables
- Progression from third to fourth year
- Full Technical Reports
- Coursework marks
- Submission of Part IIA coursework to examiners
- Third year projects
- Standards for entry in the fourth year
- Fourth year modular courses
- Fourth year projects
- Library - summer vacation borrowing
- Library induction course
- James Dyson Award
- The Undergraduate Awards
This section contains updates for the Easter term and should be read in conjunction with the briefing notes issued in both Michaelmas and Lent terms.
On-line timetables
The University-wide online lecture list for Engineering cannot be guaranteed as accurate by the Department. It is available to download to smart devices for this term but should be checked against the timetable on the Department website as there may have been changes to lecture times since the University-wide lecture list was produced.
Progression from third to fourth year
Students are reminded that, if they decide to graduate with the B.A. after completing Part IIA of the Engineering Tripos or Part IIA of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos, they are thereby precluded from continuing with either Tripos and from being awarded the M.Eng. degree.
The Faculty Board's regulations state that students must normally achieve at least a 2.2 in either Part IB or Part IIA (and achieve Honours in Part IIA) in order to be of standing to take Part IIB of either the Engineering or the Manufacturing Engineering Triposes.
Please contact the Teaching Office if you are not planning to stay on for the fourth year.
Full Technical Reports
The Full Technical Reports that you submitted at the end of the Lent term will be available for collection (usually from wherever you handed them in) by the end of week 2.
Coursework marks
A consolidated list of Part IIA coursework marks will be emailed to you on Tuesday 24 May 2016. It is your responsibility to check that the marks you obtained in the labs have been properly recorded. Occasionally there are clerical errors, outstanding lateness penalties etc. It is up to you to query any such errors promptly by emailing Dr Dongfang Liang before 1.00 pm on Wednesday 1 June 2016 after having read and actioned ALL of the following points:
- make sure any late penalties are properly recorded. Any outstanding claims for allowances must be received by the Teaching Office by Wednesday 1 June 2016.
- state the precise nature of the error in your email; if it is an error on a lab mark you need to say which module it was for and what the mark should have been; likewise for any errors in FTR and ExA marks
- do not expect an immediate reply, you will receive a response by 5.00pm on Friday 3 June 2016.
Submission of Part IIA coursework to examiners
Please remember that ALL your Part IIA module coursework has to be available for inspection by the external examiners. You must therefore ensure that you:
- collect all your work from wherever you handed it in
- hand in all your lab reports, essays and full technical reports (plus any coursework taken as part of a fourth-year module) to Lecture Room 11 between 9.15 and 10.45 on one of the following days: Thursday 2, Friday 3 or Monday 6 June 2016.
If you have a problem attending on the above dates, please contact the Teaching Office to discuss.
A IIA submission form must be downloaded and signed, stating all work submitted is your own. There will be provision on the form to indicate if any module coursework was submitted electronically and therefore not included in the bundle. This form should be placed on top of your bundle of coursework, which should then be tied securely with string or elastic bands. The Chairman of IIA Examiners will be advised of any student whose coursework is not received.
Note: Make sure you keep a copy of your module or project work before submitting it for inspection as no work will be returned to students.
Third year projects
Please read the general arrangements for projects as described in the Third year project guide. Projects will run during the four week period 5 May - 3 June (4 May for Language projects). You will be notified of the location and timing of the first session for all projects. At the first session, the project leader will issue a laboratory notebook for each project along with any handouts needed for the project. A small number of projects will have already covered introductory material during the Lent Term.
The project leader will indicate which scheduled sessions are compulsory and will keep a record of attendance at these sessions. Non-attendance at these scheduled sessions is penalised at a rate of one mark for each hour or part of an hour that is missed. Each project nominally requires a total of 80 hours' work, so you should expect to spend about 20 hours per week on each project. Availability of computers and other equipment may be restricted at times outside your scheduled sessions, so you should allocate your unscheduled time flexibly between your two projects. Chief Technicians can advise you on the hours of access to their laboratories. As indicated in the project guide, projects will require at least one interim report. Project hand-in dates for the final reports are Thursday 3 and Friday 4 June.
As the project schedule is tight, any disruption to project work due to illness should be reported to the Director of Undergraduate Education, your project leader and your tutor immediately (see the Part IIA project allowance form and IIA project guide).
Any application for allowances must be made promptly on the separate form for IIA projects. No forms will be accepted after Wednesday 8 June 2016.
Standards for entry in the fourth year
The Faculty Board's regulations state that students must normally achieve at least a 2.2 in either Part IB or Part IIA (and achieve Honours in Part IIA) in order to be of standing to take Part IIB of either the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes.
Fourth year modular courses
Students will take eight modules during their fourth year, each corresponding to approximately sixteen hours of timetabled periods. It is expected that the Faculty Board will approve the list of courses to be offered in 2016/17 at its meeting in May, and this information will be made available to students shortly after.
Students will be required to log on to COMET and make a provisional selection for their fourth year modules between Monday 23 May 2016 and the end of Full Term, Friday 10 June 2016. You will be able to make changes to your selection up to the end of the first week of term (and further changes to Lent modules until January) except for 4M9 and any language option (see below).
Modules are offered subject to demand. If the numbers for any module are very low, it may be withdrawn or given as a directed reading module rather than a taught course.
Fourth year language modules: 4M1, 4M2, 4M3, 4M4
In order to enable us to plan whether or not to run the fourth year language modules we require students to commit to any language module that they wish to take by Friday 10 June 2016. After this date all selections of language modules for both Michaelmas and Lent terms will be final. Students will not be able to change these selections at any later stage. These selections will be used to decide which modules will run.
Although choices for most other modules can be changed up to the end of the first week of the term in which the modules are delivered, choices for language modules will be fixed after 10 June 2016 and students who have signed up will be firmly committed to taking the courses.
It is particularly important that students should note that there are language pre-requisites for these modules. They should discuss whether they have the required language knowledge for the modules with Mr Tual before selecting them.
4I1 Strategic development
The number of 4I1 places available to Part IIB engineers is limited. Students who have not taken 3E3 will be given priority. The names of students wishing to take this module will be extracted from COMET, and a ballot will be held if the module looks likely to be oversubscribed. The ballot will take place on the first day of lectures of the Michaelmas term. Students interested in taking this module therefore need to ensure that their choice is registered in COMET before this date.
4I9 Low power embedded systems; 4I12 Social and technological network analysis; 4I13 Flow of networks (all imported from the Computer Lab)
If these modules are offered there will only be a small number of places are available, so it is likely that a ballot will have to be held on the first day of lectures of the Michaelmas term. Students interested in taking these modules need to ensure that their choice is registered in COMET before this date.
Module 4M9 Surveying
This module will be held in Scotland from Sunday 26 June 2016 to Saturday 9 July 2016 (i.e. at the start of the Long Vacation and 3 months before other Part IIB modules). All interested students should contact Mr Aylmer Johnson as early as possible, and by Friday 20 May 2016 at the latest and make sure that they keep these dates free of other commitments. The number of places is limited, and if oversubscribed, a ballot will be held in the week 23-27 May 2016, with priority given to students taking Engineering Area 4: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. The list of those accepted will be published by Friday 27 May 2016.
Students wishing to take this module should preferably have some prior surveying experience, eg from the Survey Extension Activity or Part IIA projects GD5/GD6. Please note that each student will be asked to contribute £154 towards the cost of accommodation. This module is already very heavily subsidized by the Department and the University, and no further central funds are available towards the £154 cost.
Fourth year projects
During this term all third year students determine the project which they will undertake during their fourth year. Instructions for finding out about projects and submitting choices are in the 'First notice about fourth year projects'. Projects on offer will be available for browsing on COMET from Tuesday 12 April 2016. You are strongly advised to arrange and meet any potential supervisors to discuss the projects you are interested in. You must enter your preferences into COMET between Monday 2 and Friday 13 May 2016. Members of staff have the option to pre-allocate projects if they have seen enough students to make a reasoned choice. Pre-allocation may happen as early as anyone wants, but not after Tuesday 10 May 2016. A project agreement form signed by student and supervisor must be delivered to the relevant Group Administrator by 2pm on Friday 13 May 2016.
NB: If you have arranged a type (b) project, you should log on to COMET between Monday 2 and Friday 13 May to enter the details.
By Friday 13 May 2016 ALL students must have submitted their preferences. As the final allocation is settled by discussion among staff and not solely by computer, you are advised to contact the supervisor of at least your first choice project before 13 May 2016, so that you can both be clear about all aspects of the project. Students who have not submitted any choices by 13 May 2016 can expect little flexibility as to which project they are allocated.
After the allocation lists are posted, all students must complete a project agreement form with their future supervisor and submit it to the Teaching Office by Friday 3 June 2016 at the latest. Please contact the Teaching Office if you have a problem in doing this. Make sure that you include the project reference number - for example A-GTP-1 or A-GTP-type(b) - on your form.
Library - summer vacation borrowing
Undergraduates are allowed to borrow from the Library during the summer vacation. In general only books may be borrowed (ie not journals, and theses only if the supervisor makes a special case to the Librarian).
Students should provide a contact email address and phone number so that they may be contacted at any time should a book be needed by another library user. In such cases, books must be returned promptly and properly packed. Books must also be returned should the borrower be out of contact for any length of time.
If not previously returned, books must be brought in to the Library at the beginning of the Michaelmas term for return or renewal.
Library induction course
CUED library staff will hold sessions on library and information resources during the last two weeks of the Easter term which may be helpful for your fourth year project work. An email will be circulated to all third year students when the booking form is available on line.
James Dyson Award
Design something that solves a problem - and win up to £30,000. Full details can be found at: http://www.jamesdysonaward.org/en-GB/the-brief/
The Undergraduate Awards
The University has signed up to The Undergraduate Awards and is part of a network of innovative universities, identifying and encouraging the best undergraduate research around the world. The 2016 Undergraduate Awards is open for submissions.
The Undergraduate Awards is the world's only pan disciplinary academic awards programme. If you have a project that you are particularly proud of, submit it online to be recognised as the best in your field.
Last updated on 13/04/2016 23:57