It is expected that this module will be held in Scotland from Sunday 26 June to Saturday 9 July 2016 (i.e. at the start of the Long Vacation and 3 months before other Part IIB modules). The number of places is limited, and if oversubscribed, a ballot will be held in the week commencing 23 May, with priority given to students taking Engineering Area 4: Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.
If you would like to be considered for a place on this module, you should keep these dates free of other commitments and contact Mr Aylmer Johnson as early as possible and by Friday 20 May at the latest.
All students wishing to be considered for this module should already have surveying experience, e.g. from the Surveying Engineering Area Activity or the Part IIA Fieldwork Project. The list of those accepted will be published by Tuesday 24th May.
Please note that each student will be asked to contribute £150 towards the cost of accommodation. The module is heavily subsidized by the Department and the University, and no funds are available toward the £154 cost.
Last updated on 19/10/2015 07:50