General information
Exams for Part II modules begin on the Monday of week 0 in the Easter term and end not later than the Wednesday of week 2. In 2016 the Part II exams will take place in the Department. MET IIA exams will take place at the IfM.
The exam timetable ( will be posted online and on the exams noticeboard in the Inglis corridor before the end of the Lent term.
Part IIA overview
Single modules (16 lectures) are each assessed by a 1.5-hour examination and double modules (32 lectures) by a 3-hour examination.
The total available credit for examinations is 600 marks (which is added to your coursework total, where the maximum available is 240). For further information see the Part IIA exam and coursework credit notice.
Part IIB overview
Each module is marked out of 60, and your total out of the 480 marks available is added to the marks for your project, for which 360 marks are available. For further information see the Part IIB exam and coursework credit notice.
All written examinations are of 1.5 hours’ duration, whether they count for 100% or 75% of the module credit.
Last updated on 21/09/2015 16:25