Undergraduate Teaching

IIB briefing notes - Easter term supplement

IIB briefing notes - Easter term supplement

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This section contains updates for the Easter term and should be read in conjunction with the briefing notes issued in both Michaelmas and Lent terms.

Back to IIB briefing notes.

On-line timetables

The University-wide online lecture list for Engineering cannot be guaranteed as accurate by the Department.  It is available to download to smart devices for this term but should be checked against the timetable on the Department website as there may have been changes to lecture times since the University-wide lecture list was produced.


Submission of fourth year coursework to examiners

Please remember that ALL your Part IIB module coursework has to be available for inspection by the external examiners.  You must therefore ensure that you:

  • collect all your work from wherever you handed it in to, and
  • hand in all your marked coursework  to Lecture Room 10 between  11.00 and 12.30 on one of the following days: Thursday 2, Friday 3 or Monday 6 June.

If you have a problem attending on the above dates, please contact the Teaching Office to discuss.

A IIB submission form must be downloaded and signed, stating all work submitted is your own.   There will be provision on the form to indicate if any  coursework was submitted electronically and therefore not included in the bundle.  The form should be placed on top of your bundle of coursework, which should then be tied securely with string or elastic bands.  The Chairman of IIB Examiners will be advised of any student whose coursework is not received.

Note: Make sure you keep a copy of your module or project work before submitting it for inspection as no work will be returned to students.

Fourth year projects hand in information

By 4pm on Wednesday 25 May, you must hand in to your Group Centre:

  • TWO copies of your final report (each starting with a copy of your Technical Abstract)
  • PLUS a separate copy of your Technical Abstract
  • PLUS your log book/electronic equivalent

It is important that you follow the instructions on formatting your final report and your Technical Abstract that are given in the Second Notice.

Please remember that if you leave printing to the last minute you may encounter difficulties and delays.  The Operators in the DPO are there to help you, but they are not responsible for any problems you encounter, and will deal with queries on a first come first served basis.

Also, as stated in the Second Notice, much of the administration for projects (including the organisation of the Easter term oral presentations) is handled by the Group Centres.  Each Group will organise its own presentation sessions.  Information is not held centrally by the Teaching Office so please direct any queries to the group centres.

National Student Survey

If you haven't yet completed the National Student Survey (NSS), please note that it is open until the end of April.  The Department finds the feedback very helpful - do remember that the survey is aimed at getting feedback from you on your experiences over the whole four year course, including College as well as Department teaching.


James Dyson Award

Design something that solves a problem - and win up to £30,000.  Full details can be found at: http://www.jamesdysonaward.org/en-GB/the-brief/

The Undergraduate Awards

The University has signed up to The Undergraduate Awards and is part of a network of innovative universities, identifying and encouraging the best undergraduate research around the world.  The 2016 Undergraduate Awards is open for submissions.

The Undergraduate Awards is the world's only pan disciplinary academic awards programme.  If you have a project that you are particularly proud of, submit it online to be recognised as the best in your field.

Register now for the Undergraduate Awards!
Save your place in your Category
Winners are brought to the UA Global Summit an exclusive 3 day networking event in Dublin. 
Students are recognised as the best and most innovative in their field - a significant catalyst when pursuing further studies or their chosen career.
If you want to submit your best undergraduate coursework to the 2016 programme, follow this handy action list:
1. Not sure what to submit yet? First,  reserve your place in the competition register here.
2. When submitting, write a 100 - 300 word abstract to accompany your submission. 
3. Fill out the submission form by May 27. You can submit up to 3 different papers/projects. 
Need a little assistance? Email info@undergraduateawards.com

Last updated on 13/04/2016 15:27